Saturday, September 8, 2007

Welcome to my blog

Well, this is my inaugural blog. I am back in Guam after six weeks in PA and VA, visiting family and friends. Oh, and also attending a class. Tom and I had a wonderful time in Hawaii, we spent two days on the Big Island relaxing and enjoying our time together. He will not be home until the end of September, so it was a welcome break to spend a few days together. I arrived home on Wednesday night, and I leave again for Saipan on Sunday. That will be a short trip though, I will be back home on Tuesday.

If anyone is wondering, the rumors about Guam were all false. We have not even seen one snake yet, no huge spiders, only one tropical storm and no crazy wild dogs. We did however, already have a termite problem, but that has been solved. I will have some photos and more to share after my trip to Saipan.


Katie said...

Love the blog. Especially ghost Tommy.

Add more photos.

Jill said...

Welcome to blog-dom!

Okay, the fact that you're even expecting to see huge spiders makes me reconsider the whole "Guam sounds great for two years" thing. Hmm...

Off to check out your beautiful photos! At least you've got a lot to look up at in terms of views so to avoid seeing the icky critters on the ground!