Monday, April 16, 2012

More Fire Trucks!

Nan was here last week to stay with Tom and O while I was in Jamaica for work. She was out with O one day, and they stopped by the fire station where one of the kind fire men showed O around one of the trucks. He was in heaven!

Thanks Nan!

My trip to Jamaica was very busy, but also productive. We are looking forward to seeing Grandma and Grandpa at the end of this week.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012


O is two years old today!

Jennifer and I made a fire truck cake for him this year - it was a big hit.

Here he is blowing out the candle...
Enjoying the icing...
After he first tasted the icing, he said "I like it"...
He even cut the cake with his knife.