Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Shasta Vacation

In the middle of December we spent about a week at Shasta Lake, just south of Mount Shasta.  We met up with Adam and his family to spend some pre-Christmas time together.  It was a wonderful and relaxing week.  The kids all had a great time together and go along really well; which is impressive for four kids between the ages of three and half and six.

The house was perfect for the eight of us.  We mostly stayed around the house with a few fun adventures sprinkled in.
The view from our house.

Mount Shasta
We arrived a day before Adam and crew, so we drove up towards Mount Shasta in search of snow and adventure.  We found this interesting hotel where you can stay in old train cars.  Unfortunately, the restaurant was not open for lunch, but we still had fun exploring the trains.

Olin the Conductor

"All aboard!"
 We found a little bit of leftover snow.  It wasn't much, but it was enough for a couple of snow balls and a tiny little snowman.

Our big outing during the week was to Shasta Caverns.  The trip consists of a hike down to the boat, a boat ride across the lake, a (kind of scary) bus ride up the mountain to the cavern entrance, and a tour of the limestone caverns.  I loved it, because I love all caves.  The kids all got to drive the boat for a turn and had plenty of questions for the guide.

There was also a fun playground at the caverns, which the kids probably liked more than the caves.

Olin driving his ship with the Gryff the helmsman...

The tree - decorated with homemade snowflakes.
We spend a lot of time in the hot tub - it definitely kept the kids occupied and happy.  Who could complain about soaking and taking in the view!

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