Wednesday, February 5, 2014


When we got home from Shasta we had a whirlwind of Christmas activity to get ready for the big day.  It was Christmas Eve, so we were not sure how nice of a tree we would fine.  We were surprised to find the perfect tree! O picked it out and we had lots of fun decorating it.

Getting ready to put the star on.
Tom and O also set up the train under the tree.  He was so excited about the train, and we all had endless fun running the train and flashing the lights.

The conductor.
Of course we also needed cookies for Santa, and since we were gone the full week before Christmas, that was a Christmas Eve activity too.  We made and decorated gingerbread cookies.  Right before bed, O dictated a note to Santa, put the veggies outside for the reindeer and went to bed very excited.

Ready for Santa
 He was so much fun on Christmas Day.  I did not take too many pictures because I was having such a great time just enjoying him and his excitement.  Santa left his special toys that he asked for in the tent...

"Yay!  My headlamp!"
Overall, it was a wonderful Christmas.  O was so excited all day, I don't think he ever changed out of his pajamas. He played and played and played with his new airplane set, sat in the tent with his headlamp, practiced waving goodbye with the waving goodbye flag, and filled up his new wallet with all kids of goodies.

Thank you to everyone who sent wonderful gifts and made the day special for all three of us.

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