Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Hoo-loween

O had a great Halloween today! Tom and I went to his preschool for their Halloween parade this afternoon.  He was very excited to wear his owl costume - and I can assure you that he had the nicest costume of all the kids at his school, by far.  Thanks Grandma!

Here are Daddy and O practicing their "hoo hoos":

The parade!

We walked through the shopping center that is near the school for the parade.  It was really nice, all of the stores and restaurants in the center had candy for the kids.  Here is our little owl getting candy.

The owl in his natural habitat:

After the parade there was a party at the school.  O had a great time, it was hard to convince him to come home so we could get ready for trick-or-treaters.

Once we did get home, he enjoyed handing out candy to the kids who came to the door.  We bought quite a bit of candy, but it was gone within about an hour and a half.

Overall, it was a great Halloween!

A Halloween restrospective:

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