Tuesday, July 12, 2011

15 Month Checkup

We had O's 15 month well-baby checkup today.

The official stats:
weight: 29 lbs 0 oz, 93rd percentile
length: 31.5 inches, 61st percentile
head circumference: 49.4 cm, 95th percentile

He is doing great, hitting all of his milestones and obviously very healthy and solid! He is also very happy and funny too.

In other news, O has been saying more and more words. Among the new words and phrases are:
"Hi, Sylvester" - this is possibly the cutest thing I have ever heard, I need to get it on video
"Front Door!" - thanks to the alarm system.
and, my favorite.. "I love you"

Hope everyone is doing well. My new job is going just fine, I am in my second week and it seems like I will be busy and challenged.

1 comment:

Dad said...

What a big boy he is getting to be! We are looking forward to Grandma's "daycare closing" visit.
I am going to make an official entry for him on the "height pole" in the basement. We also got Hayley and Noah's heights to add to it. I am looking forward to doing a comparison chart on them.