Friday, May 23, 2008

How to Beat the Prices at the Pump

Amy Scooter

Yesterday I filled up the scooter after about 150 miles on one tank.  It cost a bank-breaking $3.45 to fill up, and I am good for another few weeks!  With gas prices as they are lately, the scooters have been getting a lot of attention and questions, just like the MINI used to.

We are camping tomorrow night at Taurage beach on the Air Force base.  We will be sure to take lots of pictures.  We have both been working sort of late this week after returning from Hawaii, and we both have work to catch up on this weekend too, so camping will be our fun activity for the weekend.


the mama seal said...

Huh, can you strap a toddler on one of those bad boys? Yeah, probably not...

Jill said...

Love your new mini! Looks great!