Thursday, December 6, 2012

Peter Pan Christmas Party

Today was the Christmas Party at O's school.  He has been singing some of the songs for a couple of weeks now, but as you can see, he did not really sing along in the show at school!  He has been a little sick and lethargic this week, but he was much better today, not that you would know it from this video.  This is very short, but I could not get the longer one to load up for some reason.

Here he is at home singing the reindeer song that he learned at school. This is the song I caught the end of because they had started already when I got there.  His participation in this song was the same as all of the songs, standing against the wall looking grim!

They also had a visit from Santa.  He went right up to him to sit on his lap, no problem.  There were some screamers there, though.  I think O associates this look with Grandpa.


Peggy said...

Standing against the wall looking grim sound soooo... familiar. Hayley and Noah did the same, no matter how well they knew the songs.

Amy said...

Funny! It was odd to me, but he has been talking about the show since then as if he enjoyed it -so I guess looks are deceiving.