Monday, February 13, 2012

Catch up

Seems like I am always catching up these days.

While I was gone in Curacao, Nan was here to help take care of O. They had lots of fun making Valentines and sock puppets. O loves the sock puppets, and I love the way he says "sock puppet". So cute! Here is he playing with the sock puppets. He really loves them!

Kissing puppets:
Feeding is sock puppet "soup":
Music with sock puppets:

I was cleaning up in the kitchen and O seemed very quiet - this is what I saw when I looked around into the living room:
Funny - I never could get him to play in the play pen - here he is putting himself in the laundry basket! He has been playing with that little musical toy since he was a couple months old. He still really likes it.

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