Saturday, September 17, 2011

What a Week!

W e have had quite a week here in DC. O was home sick from school Mon-Wed. He just had a fever apparently caused by a sore throat. Tom and I had to tag team going to work and staying home to take care of the little man. As you can see from these pictures I took early in the week, the sore throat and fever were not keeping his spirits down! He would play and play and just get a little more tired and be a bit more cuddly than normal.

Big Boy!

So, once O was feeling better, it was Mom's turn to feel pretty cruddy - now I am better and Dad is down for the count... we are a very sharing family here.

Here is a funny video of the little man cracking himself up. He was climbing up on the stool and bouncing and laughing for a while before I pulled out the camera. Believe it or not, he was laughing harder the first few times he did it. Enjoy!


Katie said...

Love the video...and he's growing hair!

Peggy said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the biggest smile and best laugh I've had in days!