Saturday, January 30, 2010

Beach Days

So far, the vacation is great. We have been very busy doing pretty much nothing. We wake up whenever, hang out on the deck overlooking the ocean then head down to the beach for a little while. Friday we spent most of the day at the beach playing Scrabble and swimming.

Saturday, we went on a tour of the island in our golf cart and found another completely empty beach that we swam at for a while, the drove around some more and a short walking trail down to a rocky cove. Surprisingly, there are cactus on this island. Here are Kristen and I doing a cactus impersonation. My cactus has a big lump in the middle...

This little island is a very cool place. The locals are friendly and welcoming and the peace and quiet are fantastic. All I can hear at night when falling asleep are the waves crashing below, the wind in the palms and the cicadas chirping.

Today we will spend the day sailing from St. Thomas to St. John. I think there will be some snorkeling involved. The sail boat captain promised calm waters, so hopefully he delivers on that promise. Seasick is bad enough, seasick and pregnant might be completely unbearable. My dysfunctional inner ears are the bane of my existence.

It is snowing in D.C.


Hilary said...

Amy you look great! Do you know what you are having? What a fun babymoon!

Dad said...

Sure looks nice down there, and you look great!

Peggy said...

Love that belly! The islands look fantastic--get more beach time in, you'll be back in snowy DC before you know it

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy. You are looking great Mama! I am about 6 weeks ahead of you with Number 2 (due March 1) and I wish I could have been relaxing on the beach with you.