Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Very Merry Christmas

After all of the build up, Christmas morning did not disappoint!  
The last think O did before going to bed on Christmas Eve was to put out cookies, milk, and a note to remind Santa about his spaceship, and a carrot for the reindeer.

 Then he fell asleep by the cookies...
Just kidding.  He is not a very good poser, is he?

First thing O asked about when we woke up was if Santa ate the cookies.  We came downstairs, and saw that Santa had eaten all of one cookie, and most of a second.  O was a little concerned about the fact that he did not finish his cookies, but got over it when he saw the first surprise Santa left him...

A train all for O - he loves it!

The second thing he asked after the cookies, was if Santa had left him his spaceship.  One package looked promising, with a special note from Santa about the good job O has been doing on the potty!

Hurray!  It was a spaceship!  He had a lot of fun playing with it yesterday and today.

 O also loves the train plate that Aunt Jennifer's family sent him.

He was very happy with all of his new presents from everyone.  Thank you so much to family and friends who were so generous this year.  Skyping with New Jersey and Pennsylvania was great - not the same as being together, but at least we all got to see each other.

Nan sent us a book of the blog from our time in DC.  O loves looking at pictures of himself as a baby.  In this case, while wearing a new froggy towel.

We probably spent about four hours opening and playing in between.  We had a very nice relaxing day, topped off with a delicious dinner at the end of the day.

Today we went to the California Academy of Sciences (along with every other family in San Francisco).  As usual, I thought I had an original idea, totally forgetting that all kids are off school so many families are taking advantage of the time off.  At least we were there a little early and left when the crowds got too intense. We did get to see the indoor snow, penguins and reindeer, along with tropical fish and some other cool stuff.

We had planned on having lunch there, but the crowds scared us away.  We went to a restaurant out by Ocean Beach.  After we ate, we walked on the very windy beach, where we found lots of sea foam whipped up by the wind.

Back to work tomorrow (booo).

1 comment:

Dad said...

Looks like a great day was had by all. The beach looks like a very nice place to walk. Happy New Year to you...............