Sunday, May 6, 2012


We have embarked on our goodbyes in D.C.  So far, we have done a pretty good job of balancing getting ready for the movers (tomorrow and Tuesday) and seeing the people we need to see before we go.  There is still more to do than I care to think about before tomorrow and more people to see than we will likely be able to see, but we have made a good effort.

Kristen took the day off on Thursday to come and spend it with O.  She kept him home from school, and they had a great time together.  It has been really wonderful having her so close, especially with O's arrival and the amazingly fast two years since.

We love you Kristen, and we will all miss you so much.  O's face says it all...

Friday night we had dinner with Tracy and Steve, who flew out for 14 days in France on Saturday morning.  Yesterday afternoon we went to a Cinco de Mayo party at Jim and JoAnn's, who we know from Guam.  Today we mostly got ready for movers, but also had a few people drop in to say hello.  We are still not quite ready for the movers, so it may be a long night.

O knows that we are moving.  He knows that the movers are coming tomorrow to "pack up the stuff" and take it to the Alameda house.  We realized the other day that we must have made our point to him that we are leaving D.C. since now every time we go anywhere he says "bye bye house, going to Alameda house".


Anonymous said...

Amy & Tom - Let me know when you arrive in Alameda. We're here for another year.


Katie said...

Have a smooth move (hee hee)