Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Pictures!

There are more pictures up from the trip to Palau.  I was going to put up more, but once again, the connection is so slow that I can not take it anymore.  Tom has been sick most of this week, but he is starting to feel better now, and I have not yet caught the crud he has, hopefully I won't at all. 

It is only two weeks until my Mom and Dad arrive!  We are excited and getting ready for their visit!  We need them to visit also, to eat some of the food I keep making.  I have been in the mood for making things in the kitchen lately.  I just can't stop.  Right now there is more left over food in our refrigerator than two people should ever have.  The refrigerator contents includes some non-leftovers as well.  My new hobby is making granola bars, it seems.  I will not go on about the details, but I have been experimenting with granola bar recipes, altering them as I see fit.  I must say, the outcome has been quite tasty.  Not quite the consistency of commercial chewy granola bars, but also without preservatives or high fructose corn syrup, so all together, a success!

On another note, my super-underwater camera is corroded, so there will be no more underwater pictures until I either get a new one or figure out a way to make the buttons move.  So much for cameras designed to be in the water!


Jill said...

Sounds like you guys are on a wonderful vacation... hope work isn't getting in the way!

Hope you have a great visit with your parents!

the mama seal said...

The corn syrup comments makes me think of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Baraba Kingsolver, she would be proud of you, I think. You know, you might consider uploading pictures to something like flickr (my preference) or picasa? It's faster.

I will miss the underwater camera.

Katie said...

Hey Guamer. Don't ask, sounds funny I think. Anyway, send any easy granola recipes our way. Robin likes to munch on it....okay so do I. I wish I was there to eat the food you cook. Hi to Mom & Dad for us.