Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gone Again...

I am back. Following a whirlwind almost three week stay at home for Tommy complete with diving, the new cat and the end of my big work project which honestly usurped every waking hour of last week (and most hours of the week before), I should be back to a more regular posting schedule. As I type, Sylvester has his nose between my hands, trying to figure out what I am doing on the keyboard. He is a very curious cat.

Tom's ship left today for a seven week trip. He is due back mid-December. We had a fun weekend before he left. We went diving again and also visited some tourist spots and new places on Guam. Unfortunately, my new camera decided to take a vacation and turn itself off every time I tried to take a picture... very disappointing! Don't worry though, I will figure out what is wrong with it, and be back in full picture posting force soon.

You know, it is amazing how there seem to be so many more hours in my day when Tommy is gone. It does not make sense, I am not sure where the time goes when he is home, but I do know that it becomes much harder to get online every day, and to do a lot of little things I am in the habit of doing when he is gone.

Anyway, I will be traveling to Alameda, CA next week for an After Action Report writing conference following TopOff4. Sounds exiting, doesn't it? Well, it is exciting to me because it means that TopOff is over!!! Hurray!

That is all for now, I will be back soon. I should send some more pictures of Sylvester. He actually carries his toy around the house lobbying to be played with.


Peggy said...

Good to have you back Amy. We are looking forward to seeing some more photos of Sylvester and your house once you get your camera working again.

Katie said...

Regarding the comment you left on my blog: Halloween and the D'Wirtsys will always be synonymous with turnips and sea shanties to me. Although that night was a little off, the story it left behind will never die.